let’s fish for people.

As a ministry, we exist to teach people about Jesus and we also believe it is important to intentionally disciple those who are actively growing in their faith. This is done through our year-long discipleship programs that consist of Bible Study, personal development and community service. Currently, we host two programs: Pathfinders Teenage Discipleship Program and Cornerstone PreTeen Discipleship Club. We are currently in need of sponsors for our 2021/2022 program participants, for more information send us an email at camalotecamp@gmail.com.


Cornerstone Pre-Teen Discipleship Program stewards 10 primary school aged children in weekly Bible studies, co-led by Pathfinders Teens. Each week the children will practice memorizing scripture and learning how the gospel affects their day-to-day lives. It runs each year from the beginning of summer break until the end of the following school year.

Pathfinders Teen Discipleship Program stewards 10 high-school aged young adults in discipline, discipleship, and service. Students accepted into the program will row in their relationship with the Lord through small group Bible studies and individual study. They will also put into practice God's commandment to love Him and love people by volunteering with our Community Outreach Ministry. [break] The ultimate goal of Pathfinders is to equip the teens as spiritual leaders in the community. It runs each year from the beginning of summer break until the end of the following school year.

“I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.”

3 John 1:4