what we do.
Caring, Comprehensive & Christ-Centered.
Our desire is to love people well. We believe that should include caring for every aspect of their lives - spirit, soul and body.
Most relationships with our neighbors begin with Village Outreach Ministry. We go out and personally introduce our ministry and what we do. Our Village Outreach Coordinator (Doris) then slowly builds a relationship with each family.
As we host events at the camp, Doris can invite them with the contact information we gathered. Additionally, we are creating an address system (which does not exist) so we can easily follow up with families who express various needs or need a friend.
Families and individuals help us to identify the greatest needs of our village and to build a relationship that will, hopefully, lead them to come learn more about who Jesus is and how much He cares for them. -
Along the journey together, our neighbors may progress into Phase 2. We offer activites at the camp designed to care for their spirit, soul, and body. We want our facility to be a place where broken trust is restored, people feel safe and can experience the love of Christ.
Spirit - The main goal of our ministry is to make Christ be known - through bible studies, various worship nights, weekend retreats, and conferences throughout the year.
Soul - Because we live in a broken world, many of us have life experiences that have broken our trust and caused us pain. By offering counseling, emotional support, and the chance to build rich friendships, we are seeing Christ restore people’s souls and drawing them to Him. It is also important for people to feel empowered and equipped to live fruitful lives. We offer tutoring and life skills classes (parenting, budgeting, marriage, sewing, cooking, etc.), and we connect people to other local ministries that specialize in adult education and vocational training.
Body - Our bodies are God’s dwelling place, and it is incredibly important that our physical needs are met. Through our partnership with Grateful Samaritans and Quest Church Medical Missions, A Better Belize can provide acute medical assistance to our neighbors. We are equipped with basic first aid supplies, wound care, and over-the-counter medicines. In 2021, we opened our Community Store which is filled with clothes and shoes in all sizes. As people attend camp events and classes, they earn points to purchase items in the shop. Physical exercise is also very important to keep our bodies healthy and our minds sharp. Each week our soccer field, volleyball court, and basketball court are outlets for our neighbors to release stress and stay active. -
Some friends will have a deeper desire to be discipled and our staff members spend intentional, consistent one-on-one time with them each week.
For pre-teens and teenagers, we offer year-long discipleship programs that include one-on-one meetings with our Programming Coordinator, a summer intensive and school sponsorship. Cornerstone Pre-teen Discipleship Program includes youths 10-13 years old, and Pathfinders Teen Discipleship Program includes youths 14-18 years old.
For our adults, discipleship looks like a close relationship with one of our staff members. They meet once a week, one-on-one, for accountability and mentoring. We also challenge them to take on leadership roles in our community Bible studies and classes.
Our hope is that as our neighbors enter Phase 3, they are eventually empowered to lead others to Christ in the same way they have been led.