Our vision statement remains at the core of all that we do - Connecting people along the journey to Christ. Our mission, on the other hand, is more multi-faceted and radiates out from that vision like spokes on a bicycle wheel. In simple terms, we utilize Camalote Camp (the wheel center) to host foreign mission teams and then reinvest the profits into continued areas of full-time ministry (the spokes). That’s right… the revenue you help generate is then used to further the good works of Christ in our community. At A Better Belize, we feel that one hundred percent of our efforts and resources should benefit the people we serve.
Camalote Camp is under the stewardship of a rotating board of directors. This board leadership consists of people from various churches, is multi-denominational and 100% volunteer. Additionally, our appointed missionaries/camp directors (currently the Barrs family) must raise their own financial support.
As a tax deductible and charitable U.S. 501(c)(3), we are fully transparent and compliant with all laws pertaining to non-profits.
A Better Belize is not a “conduit organization” . This means that we do not accept financial gifts from U.S. donors and simply pass them to a third party in Belize (without oversight or designation).
If you have any question about our organization or operation, please contact us so that we might accurately answer your concern.