Summer Volunteer Work

Inspiring the next generation in work and worship.


Discipline and Discipleship.

A few years ago, we began offering local teens an opportunity to work at the camp (voluntarily) during summer months. These youth serve in various ways - rotating through positions in the main office, housekeeping, grounds maintenance and mission team assistance.


Before acceptance into the program, each person must fill out an application form and complete an formal interview. No one is guaranteed to be selected. We try to make this experience as real as possible so that youth will be prepared for what future employers will expect. Upon selection, the volunteers must be prepared to show up on time, follow instructions and communicate effectively.


These teens are led in bible study and devotionals before work duties each morning. Lessons are intended to meet these youth exactly where they are at this stage in their lives. And it is our hope that they will become rooted firmly in the love and knowledge of God - as much as they become inspired to serve others.